Billy Phan

Combining sales experience and creative problem-solving to positively impact the world.

I'm passionate about technology and martial arts to make a difference.


Gone Fishin

This was my first javascript project that used the D3.js library. A dynamic graph where you can add/delete of various fish species. The graph generated shows the fish calories and population health.


Niles is a clone of the largest ecommerce site Amazon. This is a view of the mobile version to display responsiveness. The front-end used React/Redux with Ruby on Rails for the backend. PostgreSQL was used for the the database and Amazon S3 for image hosting.

Garden Swap

A creative online marketplace for people with home gardens to buy, sell, and trade their produce. This was a group collaboration with 3 fellow software engineers using the MERN stack. I was in charge of the front-end using React/Redux and implementing geoocaiton.

About Billy Phan
I'm actively writing code, and keeping up to date on sales methodology. My philosophy is CI/CD (Continuous Improvement/Continuous Development).

An analytical software engineer, entrepreneur, & martial artist who understands the engineering and sales side of a business.

Tech Stack:

  • React/Redux
  • Express
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • HTML 5
  • CSS
  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Github
  • Heroku
  • AWS